Why and how does fingerprints work?

Each one of us know, fingerprints are used identify the thief or culprit in our those TV telecasted detective shows. Question is, how this exactly works.

Fingerprints are small ridges and valley patterns at the tip of each finger. Fingerprints are developed in the womb. Two people have not been found with the same fingerprints – they are completely unique.

 With modern scientific sophisticated machinery and powerful computers it is possible to record and read and develop a pattern of finger prints and that is how it works.

Fingerprint is a form of biometrics, a science that uses people’s physical characteristics, which they use to identify them. Fingerprints are ideal for this purpose because they are cheap to assemble and analyze, and they never change.

Fingerprints are even more unique than DNA. Although identical twins can share the same DNA – their fingerprints cannot be the same.

Egyptian Mummies- How exactly these were made in Pyramids?

The Egyptians had a long tradition of making mummies of their wealthy dead. The process of a mummy from a dead body is called Mummification. Let’s see how it was done by Egyptians.

To make mummy, first internal organs were removed with a cut on chest and then the body was covered with stripes. Brain was removed from the nose with special instruments. 

After that these organs were kept in a device. But the heart was not removed, because these people considered the heart as a symbol of soul.

Then the body was coated with Natron (carbonate salt collected from the edges of the desert lakes), which acts as a drying agent to prevent further decay. After 40 days, natron was extracted from the skin and the body was filled with linen, natron pouch, herbs, sawdust, sand or chopped straw. 

The first few layers of skin and linen bandages were then covered with a resin coating. The entire process took about 70 days.

NOTE:- This mummification process used by ancient Egyptians is a very complicated medical achievement which they had mastered.

How our small cut/wounds get filled over ⌚time ?

It was pointed out in our previous answers, what a wonderful machine human body is! One of the major traits of body is – Ability to heal itself.

As soon as there is a cut on the skin, blood starts coming out of the blood vessels. A protein called Fibrin (present in blood) starts forming long fibrous structures or composite proteins. 

These proteins in a way kind of weave the clot, this formed clot covers the wound and closes blood flow.

Along with the formation of a blood clot, white blood cells also come in the wound and attack the bacteria that enter and destroy them and hence protecting body.

The cells begin to split quickly on the edges of the cut under the clot and make cover over the cut. Within four to five days, this creates a new layer of skin and the old dry scalp gets removed.

Why do we Forget things ?

A special enzyme is responsible for the human forgetting and memory issues. 

This enzyme called, “protein kinase C” can short-circuit our short-term memory.

It is found in the part of brain behind the cortex. This enzyme interrupts memory power at the time of stress. 

So, during examination or when you are going to give a speech on stage, we feel exited or strained, this enzyme gets released in excessive quantities and cause us to forget things.

Why do we Sweat? What’s Normal, What’s Not?

Body can be thought of as a furnace while the food can be thought of as its fuel. An adult person’s body produces about 2500 calories a day. With so much heat, 23 liters of water can be boiled.

Then, why does the body temperature not rise due to this produced heat? Answer to this question has our own answer hidden in it. Let us see how!

Body temperature must be controlled of human body else it starts destroying body cells. Human brain is a wonderful machine. Our brain has a system for controlling body temperature. 

This system keeps body temperature constant at approx. 370C. When the body temperature starts to rise, then the brain stops burning of food to produce energy and opens the skin pores so that sweating can start. The evaporation of sweat causes the body to cool down.

While playing or running, the muscles have to do more work, due to which the temperature of the body starts rising and hence body starts sweating to control body temperature.

Why the Blood is Red in color?

There are 3 main types of cells in the blood.

    •  Red blood cells

    •  White blood cells

    •  Blood platelets.

Out of which, major portion is red blood cells and that is why blood appears red in color.

NOTE:- Red color in these cells comes due to presence of hemoglobin which is an Iron compound. Iron has the property of reflecting red light. 

When hemoglobin is carrying a lot of oxygen (like when just leaving the lungs), blood is bright red. When most of the oxygen has been released to the body, blood is dark red.

What are difference between HIV and AIDS?

AIDS is one of the most dangerous diseases. In fact, there is no cure for AIDS at present. In general, HIV and AIDS are taken as same thing. Though it is not so. 

Let us see what actually HIV and AIDS are.

HIV (‎Human immunodeficiency virus‎)- is the name of the virus that causes AIDS. When HIV is transmitted in a body, it starts to destroy the body’s immune system. Immune system is that system that protects human body from diseases and ailments etc.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)- The condition when a person’s disease-resistant capacity is completely destroyed due to HIV, such a person gets sick with multiple diseases and even the medicines cease to show effects, then this condition is termed as AIDS.

If someone starts taking medicines immediately at the beginning of HIV infection, then he or she may remain HIV positive (and healthy) for a long time and delay the condition of AIDS.

AIDS is caused primarily due to the blood transfusion of the infected person or unprotected physical relations with the infected person. Proper care needs to be taken care to keep oneself safe from HIV.

How does Biometrics work ?

Biometric is made up of two words, bio and metric. Bio means life-related, metric means measuring.

Thumb marks, fingers prints, voice or even eye pupils, all these things are unique to each individual and hence can act an identification for the person.

In bio-metrics, we study the information or data related to a living being. 

With the help of this technique, it identifies the person by their thumb mark, fingers  marks, voice or even eye pupils.

Vaccination💉:What it is and How does it work in human?

All of us know that kids are supposed to be vaccinated. We also know that these vaccines protect kids from certain diseases throughout their lives.

But, what most of the people don’t know is- what actually these Vaccines are? Are vaccines some sort of medicines or anything else!  Or how can they work for a lifetime once vaccinated in the childhood?

A Vaccine actually is a preparation made from the same bacteria or virus that causes the disease.Shocked..!!

Well… it’s not that simple as it sounds. Human body is one quite amazing machine. It has all the attributes to keep a man healthy. It can heal itself, it can cure itself, it can regrow itself, it knows how to breathe etc..etc..  The importance quality in this reference is the quality of self-healing and fighting with diseases causing germs & bacteria. The quick question arises, if so, why do we fall sick..!!!

Answer is human body too has its limits too. It always tries to fight with disease but if its unable to do that due to some reason such as no. of such bacteria, then the human falls sick.

Now, coming back to vaccines, these vaccines are made in so much dilute form (i.e. their strength is very low), such that upon insertion into human body, these vaccines don’t cause the disease in the human. What they cause at max is fever or irritation. That is why babies develop fever post vaccination. What actually is happening in the kid’s body is that, its fighting the inserted bacteria. In a couple of days, it overpowers the bacteria and kids or human does not fall sick permanently.

Now, when the vaccine is injected in the body, then the human body makes antibodies and antigens to fight the bacteria present in the vaccine (that’s what our immune system does). Eventually, body learns how to destroy this bacteria. This gives the body the ability to fight that disease. If in future disease or virus comes in contact with that person, the disease/ virus does not have any negative effects on the body as it has developed the mechanism to fight that bacteria or virus. And that is how, vaccine works.

Question arises why vaccination is done only kids-  Answer lies in the body capabilities of a baby and  grown up. Body is very adaptive in a baby. It immediately develops antigens and antibodies to counter the bacteria. While, in a grown up person such ability is not there. So, vaccination does not work.

Vaccines are made from the bacteria- Is vaccination safe!

Yes, these are totally safe. Thousands of test are performed to qualify these vaccines for human use. They are perfectly safe. Every child must be vaccinated.

This actually is a very important questions. Purposefully, it is explained in much details. It tells us how human body immune system works? When do we fall sick? Then, it does cover vaccines too.

It’s our duty to ensure that all the kids below 5 years of age are vaccinated.