Why Bird🐦can fly but Humans can’t?

Ever wondered why only birds can fly but not humans?

In order to fly or float in the sky, one must be able to oppose gravity somehow and stay stable in the sky. Birds have feathers through which they displace air and fly in the sky.

 Also, the bones of the birds are hollow which makes their body lighter.

Unlike birds, humans do not have feathers and their bones are not hollow, as well as the body texture of the bird is also suitable for flying, so birds fly in the air while humans cannot.

Who came first Hen or eggs?

Which came first…an egg or a hen! 

Almost all of us have wondered it a few times during schools. Essence of the question is, a hen lays eggs but the itself comes from the egg. So, what predates what…! 

Modern science upon the studies of development of life on Earth answers this question. Life evolved in the oceans in much simpler form as single cell bacteria. Then, more complicated multiple cell organisms evolved. It was millions of years later, more advanced forms of life such as animals, fish birds etc. evolved.

It is found the eggs appear very first in the development cycle of species while the development of birds happened very late in the development cycle millions of years later.

For example, a lot many species both primitives and more advanced ones, lay eggs. The lizards, the fish and many smaller life forms lay eggs. The hen or the birds per se came into existence much later. Birds are advanced forms of a few of those species which lay eggs.

So, now you know, it’s the egg which came first. X

Species development is long term process and it takes millions of years to develop new species. This usually happens through gradual DNA changes.

Why Sometimes blood start coming out of nose👃during summer?

The wall between the two nasal pores on the surface of the nose stays with a thin and ductile mucous (mucus membrane). This surface has several thin blood veins to take blood.

When the atmosphere is very dry during the summer due to drying of the membrane, , the due to sneeze or any small jerk causes these tiny blood vessels to rupture and that’s how nose starts bleeding.

In case of nose bleed, it is advised to sit under running cold water. This helps the bleeding to stop.

Why do we sweet more during summers?

Body temperature must be controlled of human body else it starts destroying body cells. Human brain is a wonderful machine. Our brain has a system for controlling body temperature. 

This system keeps body temperature constant at approx. 370C. When the body temperature starts to rise, then the brain stops burning of food to produce energy and opens the skin pores so that sweating can start. 

The evaporation of sweat causes the body to cool down.

During summers, temperature is hotter and the body overheats. When we get hot, our sweat glands are triggered and they release a watery substance in the form of sweat. 

When sweat is released onto the skin and is exposed to the air, it will evaporate and ultimately help to cool down the body and lower our body temperatures.

How does the sensing of things with a touch work?

Your somatic sensory system is responsible for your sense of touch. 

The somatic sensory system has nerve receptors that help you feel when something comes into contact with your skin, such as when a person brushes up against you.

These sensory receptors are generally known as touch receptors or pressure receptors. You also have nerve receptors that feel pain and temperature changes such as hot and cold.